EMFACE is a revolutionary new facial treatment.

By emitting both synchronized RF and HIFESTM energies, it simultaneously affects the facial skin and muscles.
The end result is less wrinkles and more lift naturally without needles.

Best of all, EMFACE treats full face in only 20 minutes without any downtime.

The future of facial aesthetics is here now at Lasers In Medicine in Adelaide.


  • Treatment time 20 minutes

    EMFACE is a comfortable full-face treatment lasting only 20 mintues

  • 2 Therapies in one procedure

    Combination of RF and HIFES energies for simultaneous treatment of facial skin and muscles

  • Needle-Free

    A completely non-invasive procedure with no pain

  • zero downtime

    Walk-in, walk-out without any downtime


Your Consultation

Before your EMFACE treatment at Lasers in Medicine in Adelaide, you will need to book a consultation with one of our expert providers. Anyone who is looking for less wrinkles and more lift may be a candidate for EMFACE. Once we have determined that EMFACE is the best treatment option for you, we will create a personalised treatment plan that addresses your aesthetic concerns.

EMFACE Treatment

You’ll have your EMFACE treatment with one of our registered nurses. Your skin will be cleaned and applicators will be applied to your forehead and cheeks. Once everything is in place, the treatment will start. You will feel a warm sensation through the skin as the radiofrequency begins. The sensation of the HIFES may be something you have never experienced. It will feel like your facial muscles are contracting and this is not painful. This is gradually increased in intensity according to your feedback.

In only 20 minutes, your treatment will be complete.

Treatment Protocol

EMFACE is an initial series of four treatments spaced one week apart.

You begin to feel tangible results right after the treatments. Optimal results are usually reported in 90 days after the last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the treatment.